English Learner Resources

CRESST, a collaborator with WestEd for the Center on Standards and Assessment Implementation (CSAI), has curated collections on English learners (ELLs) related to instruction, assessment, and policy. Over the past decade, K-12 schools in the United States have been educating more ELL students than at any point in history. As ELL students are a diverse group in language background, school experience, and social-emotional needs, they require different approaches and content to ensure progress towards proficiency. CRESST vetted and reviewed resources to support state leaders, district leaders, administrators, and teachers in their efforts to increase EL students’ academic achievement. Collections include resources for newcomers, dual language educators, standards implementation, instructional materials, assessment, and guidance for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). In the era of new academic content standards, new English Language Proficiency/Development standards, and new accountability requirements under ESSA, educators and policymakers stand to benefit from these rich collections of resources.