March 2, 2004
What Are the Chances of Getting Into a UC School? A Look at the Course-Taking Patterns of High School Students for UC Admissions Eligibility
Kilchan Choi and Edward Shin
The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) has been concerned about the disproportionately low rate of some racial/ethnic groups on campuses of the University of California and is committed to increasing the enrollment of traditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic groups on UC campuses. To this end, course-taking patterns of high school cohorts are examined to shed light on the disproportionate number of traditionally underrepresented minority students in their UC admissions eligibility. Variables of student characteristics and course grades are analyzed to show a significant difference between the partnership and non-partnership schools, as well as different sub-groups of students. The results show that higher proportions of students from the partnership schools remain eligible for UC admission across all variables, and that high course grades from UC required courses (e.g. Algebra 1) increase the probability of being eligible for UC admission. Further, the ethnicity and attendance rates of students are also highly associated with UC eligibility. These factors, as well as some insights into the possible intervention of at-risk students with low rates of UC admission eligibility, are suggested and discussed in this report.
Choi, K., & Shin, E. (2004). What are the chances of getting into a UC school? A look at the coursetaking patterns of high school students for UC admissions eligibility (CSE Report 623). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).