December 4, 2004

The Relationship Between School Quality and the Probability of Passing Standards-Based High-Stakes Performance Assessments

Pete Goldschmidt and Jose-Felipe Martinez-Fernandez
We examine whether school quality affects passing the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), which is a standards-based high-stakes performance assessment. We use 3-level hierarchical logistic and linear models to examine student probabilities of passing the CAHSEE to take advantage of the availability of student, teacher, and school level data. The indicators of school quality are the Academic Performance Index (API) and magnet school status. The results indicate that both indicators of quality improve the probability of passing the CAHSEE, even after accounting for individual student characteristics. Also, the effect of opportunity-to-learn increases with school quality the relationship between school quality and the probability of passing standards-based high-stakes performance assessments.
Goldschmidt, P., & Martinez-Fernandez, J.-F. (2004). The relationship between school quality and the probability of passing standards-based highstakes performance assessments (CSE Report 644). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).
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