May 3, 2011
The Development and Impact of POWERSOURCE©: Year 3

Julia Phelan, Terry Vendlinski, Kilchan Choi, Joan Herman and Eva L. Baker
The POWERSOURCE© intervention is intended as a powerful formative assessment-based strategy that can be integrated with any ongoing mathematics curriculum to improve middle school teachers’ knowledge and practice and, in turn, student learning. The current study focuses on
middle school mathematics, starting in 6th grade, and on helping to assure that students
possess key understandings they need for success in Algebra I. In this Year 3 (of 5) study, researchers found significant differences between POWERSOURCE© and control students’ performance on project-developed measures for all districts and domains. Among the teachers who took both the pre- and the post- ranking assessment, composite scores demonstrate statistically significant and substantively important gains.
Phelan, J., Vendlinski, T., Choi, K., Herman, J., & Baker, E. L. (2011). The development and impact of POWERSOURCE©: Year 3 (CRESST Report 793). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).