November 1, 2011
Teaching Rational Number Addition Using Video Games: The Effects of Instructional Variation

Terry P. Vendlinski, Gregory K. W. K. Chung, Kevin R. Binning, and Rebecca E. Buschang
Understanding the meaning of rational numbers and how to perform mathematical operations seems to be a perennial problem in the United States for both adults and children. Based on previous work, CRESST researchers hypothesized that giving students more time to practice using rational numbers in an environment that enticed them to apply their understanding might prove educationally beneficial. Researchers developed a video game, based on two key ideas about addition and rational numbers, to investigate their hypothesis. in this initial study, they found that students using an appropriately design game increased their ability to add rational numbers even when playing the game for a relatively short period of time. The authors discuss implications for future studies designed to spread game play over several class periods and to include instructional resources external to the game.
Vendlinski, T. P., Chung, G. K. W. K., Binning, K. R., & Buschang, R. E. (2011). Teaching rational number addition using video games: The effects of instructional variation (CRESST Report 808). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).