April 18, 2016

Supporting Math Teachers in Their Transition to the Common Core: Implementation and Effects of Mathematics Design Collaborative

Deborah La Torre Matrundola
This paper shares the results of an experimental study examining the relationship between changes in student understandings in mathematics concepts as evidence by an analysis of student artifacts and measures of teacher effectiveness in the implementation of MDC in ninth-grade Algebra I classes in Kentucky. This study included the development of rubrics to address two positive dimensions of learning, content accuracy and quality of mathematical explanations, as well as a third rubric examining evidence of common misconceptions. The study is framed in the literature on instructional change and it highlights the challenges in reaching the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) deeper learning goals (Heritage, 2013; Herman, 2013).
La Torre Matrundola, D. (2016, April). Supporting math teachers in their transition to the Common Core: implementation and effects of Mathematics Design Collaborative. Paper session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.
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