December 3, 2004
My Current Thoughts on Coefficient Alpha and Successor Procedures

Lee J. Cronbach, Editorial Assistance by Richard J. Shavelson
In 1951 Lee J. Cronbach published his classic “Coefficient Alpha” paper, providing test developers with a formula to calculate the reliability (i.e., accuracy) of psychological and educational measurements. In this report, Cronbach describes his current thinking on his original paper as well as providing new insights into conducting reliability studies today. Special thanks to Richard Shavelson for making this publication possible and to SAGE Publications for allowing CRESST to publish this report which also appeared in their journal Educational and Psychological Measurement.
Cronbach, L. J., & Shavelson, R. J. (2004). My current thoughts on coefficient alpha and successor procedures (CSE Report 643). Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST).