About Us
Innovative assessment and research
Years of service
Our Mission
- We ignite a culture of learning and teaching grounded in rigorous methodologies for enduring impact.
- We empower educators, transform student experiences, and enhance institutional effectiveness.

Our Specialists
Our interdisciplinary team consists of leading experts across the fields of assessment, evaluation, technology, and learning.

Our Story
The first iteration of CRESST, called the Center for the Study of Evaluation, is founded at UCLA and funded by the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Its mission: to research various theories and methods of analyzing educational systems and programs, and to evaluate their effects.

Professor Eva L. Baker becomes Director of the Center for the Study of Evaluation, moving the Center’s focus to the interface between assessment and teaching, while incorporating the study of technology in evaluation and assessment.
CRESST is born as a research partnership between UCLA, Cornell University, Yale University, the American Federation of Teachers, the Educational Testing Service, the National Education Association, and several other esteemed institutions.

Joan Herman becomes Co-Director of CRESST, helping position the center as evaluator of many leading initiatives and publishing the highly influential resources, the Evaluator’s Handbook and the Program Evaluation Kit.
CRESST receives a major award from the Institute of Education Sciences to study evaluation and assessment in educational gaming, creating the Center for Advanced Technology in Schools.

CRESST forms a partnership with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, working within 30 states. The partnership receives a major award from Race to the Top to co-create a system that would redefine assessments for years to come.
Professor Li Cai becomes Director of CRESST, tightening the focus to four main areas of educational research: Assessment, Evaluation, Technology, and Methodology.

CRESST brings the renowned English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century program in-house, devising a ground-breaking comprehensive assessment system for English learners.
The Higher Education Research Institute becomes part of CRESST, developing an online survey portal to consolidate data collection and transparency for educational researchers.

CRESST welcomes a new partner, the American Council on Education, to collaborate on the dissemination of data trends from its vast stores of longitudinal data.
Our Partners and Funders